How to ...

Register Beacon
Once you have an account for this site, kindly log in to your account by click the login button at home page. After you successful log into your account, kindly click a“Register Beacon” button at the top of your account site and beacon registration form will pop up. After you fill in the form particular please click “Request Register” button at the bottom of form. Once your click “Request Register” button your beacon registration will submit to system admin and you will notice your request register beacon will list down at your account site.
Create an account
Kindly click Sign Up button at the home page. Register form will pop up and after fill in all the form particular please click the “Register” button at the bottom. your will receive an email in your inbox, please proceed with the email instruction.
Reset forgotten password
At the login form, after Sign In button, the was a link call “Forgot Password!”. Click the link and fill in your valid email address that was register with your account and then click “Reset Password” button. You will receive an email, please proceed with the email instruction.
Update beacon information
Kindly login into your account first. In your account site, you will see a list of registered beacon. When you click at the beacon list you will see two tab at the bottom appear. Which is first tab is about beacon details and second is update details. Just click at second tab and you can start to edit your beacon information and click “Request Update” button at the bottom form. At the beacon list you will notice that the beacon you just update was changed status to Request Update.
Deregister beacon
Kindly log into your account first. In your account site, you will see a list of registered beacon. When you click at the beacon list you will see two tab at the bottom and a red button call “Request Deregister”. Just click the red button and the beacon status will change to “Request Deregister”.

Register Your Beacon and Make the Difference Between Life and Death!

By registering your beacon, you allow search-and-rescue authorities in an emergency to retrieve crucial information about you and your emergency contacts.

Register Your Beacon

The online registration capability is a significant advantage to beacon owners. Beacon owners can update their registration information as often as it changes. And the update is done immediately instead of having to wait to either fax or mail your changes in. It is important to note, however, that your registration is valid for only two years and you are required to re-register the beacon every two years so that we can maintain up-to-date records on your contact information. We will attempt to contact you every two years to confirm this information. Please keep in mind: it is important to contact MMEA MyMCC anytime your contact information changes!



+609 5807 175 (Hotline)
+609 5807 176 (Fax) (Email)